ICT - mediated strategy for the teaching of technology and computing science


  • Jaime Andrés Echavarría Jiménez
  • Silvia Margarita Baldiris Navarro
  • Gloria Liliana Vélez Saldarriaga




education, computing science, methodology, technology, ICT.


The Ministry of National Education takes into account the number of promotions within the educational institution for the measurement of institutional efficiency. The current indicators of the Padre Roberto Arroyave Vélez Educational Institution are negative because of the high percentage of academic failure in the sixth grades, in areas such as computers. The shift from the one teacher method to the multi teachers method affects considerably those indicators. This paper presents the results of a study carried out at the Institution on the incidences of this method, in the areas of technology and information technology. For which a pilot test of an educational strategy based on the implementation of ICTs was carried out, for the development of the thematic content of a period, in order to compare the approval and disapproval rates with the two previous years. The evaluation of this strategy was carried out through direct comparison, using the WEKA data mining program, which allowed us to analyze, from a simulation of possible scenarios, the comparison of the results with the indexes of the previous years. The obtained result presented group improvement of the student promotion indexes, in the areas of technology and information technology.


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How to Cite

Echavarría Jiménez, J. A., Baldiris Navarro, S. M., & Vélez Saldarriaga, G. L. (2017). ICT - mediated strategy for the teaching of technology and computing science. Teknos Revista científica, 17(2), 46–52. https://doi.org/10.25044/25392190.905
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