College students in the digital age: opportunities and threats associated with Internet entertainment and financial activities online


  • Jose Gabriel Aguilar Barcerlo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Steven de Jesus Palacio Iriarte Fundacion Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco
  • Adriana Lucia Garay Lopez Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
  • Mauricio Cazeres Rodriguez Instituto Tecnológico de la Piedad,



tecnología, educación superior, finanzas, actividades especulativas


Technological advances have influenced human behavior at all levels. The purpose of this research is to identify the opportunities and threats of online activities related to entertainment, financial tools and speculative assets, which are increasingly common among higher education students, including how they can be utilized to accelerate and optimize learning about behavioral finance and risk management. A bibliography of specialized authors supports the findings of the study, which was also supported by a questionnaire completed by 102 people. We found that a significant number of young people are participating in or are interested in participating in speculative activities, for a variety of reasons, including the desire to make their money grow quickly. This places them at risk of losing economic or social capital, or exhibiting behaviors that could require attention. Additionally, recommendations are made for maintaining healthy behaviors and practices while participating in these activities.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Barcerlo, J. G., Palacio Iriarte, S. de J., Garay Lopez , A. L., & Cazeres Rodriguez , M. (2023). College students in the digital age: opportunities and threats associated with Internet entertainment and financial activities online. Teknos Revista científica, 23(2), 71–80.
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