Use of biodiesel in bioremediation of crude oil spills


  • Jorgelina C. Pasqualino Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco
  • Joan Salvadó Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC),



biodegradation, biodiesel, cometabolism, oil spill.


Fatty acid methyl esters based fuel, known as biodiesel, is a clean renewable fuel with many environmental advantages. One of the most important is its high biodegradability and the ability to dissolve crude oil. In this study, we prepared mixtures of heavy crude oil and biodiesel and measured the density and viscosity in order to evaluate the possibility of collecting them from an affected area. The density of all the mixtures was below the density of sea water and the viscosity was several orders of magnitude lower than the viscosity of the pure crude oil. We also studied the biodegradability of the mixtures using the CO2 evolution test. In all the cases, the biodegradability was increased by the addition of biodiesel, showing that synergic effects occur by means of cometabolism. The mixture with 50 % fuel oil had the highest synergic effect. Several solutions are proposed for treating soils and water affected by an oil spill.


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Author Biographies

Jorgelina C. Pasqualino, Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco

PhD. Docente investigador de Programas Ambientales, Grupo de Investigación Ambiental, Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco, Sede A, Barrio España Cr 44 D Nº 30A – 91, Cartagena, Colombia.

Joan Salvadó, Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC),

PhD. Director del Área de Bioenergía y Biocombustibles, Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC),Tarragona, España. PhD. Profesor titular, Departament d'Enginyeria Quimica (DEQ), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Tarragona, España.


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How to Cite

Pasqualino, J. C., & Salvadó, J. (2014). Use of biodiesel in bioremediation of crude oil spills. Teknos Revista científica, 14(1), 69–78.



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