Validation Process based in M++ for Introspective Reasoning Trace of the Cognitive Function Perception in Metacognitive Architecture CARINA


  • María Alejandra Flórez Madrigal Universidad de Córdoba
  • Adán Alberto Gómez Salgado Universidad de Córdoba
  • Manuel Fernando Caro Piñeres Universidad de Córdoba



cognitive informatics; reasoning trace; cognitive function; CARINA; introspective monitoring; cognitive architecture; M .


This paper presents the representation based in M++ of introspective reasoning trace in cognitive architecture CARINA. Reasoning trace is a declarative knowledge structure that captures the mental states and decision-making sequence in the action-perception cycle of a cognitive agent. M++ is a DSVL for modeling metacognition in intelligent systems and incorporates two meta-reasoning mechanisms, i.e., introspective monitoring and meta-level control. M++ validation was performed on two dimensions: potential usefulness and usability. For the validation process, the following methods were used: empirical study based on user perception. Regarding the relation of the behaviors represented in M ++, 85.7% of the experts considered that the representation is adequate compared to 14.3% that did not consider it.



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How to Cite

Flórez Madrigal, M. A., Gómez Salgado, A. A., & Caro Piñeres, M. F. (2018). Validation Process based in M++ for Introspective Reasoning Trace of the Cognitive Function Perception in Metacognitive Architecture CARINA. Teknos Revista científica, 18(2), 54–62.
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