Analysis of the generation of energy from the biogas obtained in the El Salitre wastewater treatment plant (Bogotá)


  • Lina María Rodríguez Cortés Universidad de Barcelona



autoabastecimiento, biogás , cogeneración , PTAR Salitre


The El Salitre WWTP treats 7m3/s of wastewater from approximately half of the population of Bogotá city. The biogas from the anaerobic digestion of this process is mainly composed of CH4 and CO2 in smaller proportions. This paper analyzes the technical data of the WWTP, investments, current energy expenditure and potential for energy savings. In this case, the aim is to evaluate the self-sufficiency of the plant with the available energy of its by-products through cogeneration. Analyzing the current scenario and potentials, important improvements are obtained in energy use and the possibility of improving the process with thermal energy that is not currently used. At the economic level, high investments must be made that require more financing and possibly government incentives that are profitable considering the useful life of the proposed system.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Cortés, L. M. (2023). Analysis of the generation of energy from the biogas obtained in the El Salitre wastewater treatment plant (Bogotá). Teknos Revista científica, 23(2), 34–47.
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